Series 3 saw Aroha Bridge become a half an hour television show with the 6 episodes premiering on Māori Television in 2019.

Stealing The Show

Showbiz fever grips Aroha Bridge with a ‘Pania of the Reef’ reboot in the works and Hollywood coming to town.

Scholarchips and a Drink

Academic celebrations and insecurities run rife as graduation day looms in Aroha Bridge.

Legally M’orange

After binge-watching hit show ‘The Legal Programme’, Kowhai decides she must become a lawyer at all costs.

Mind ya Business

Needing to get out of financial hot water, the twins are on the run from predatory loan trucks and working for their ethically challenged father.


The twins must go to their Marae for a DIY weekend and their annual dose of solving mysteries.


A wall is erected in Aroha Bridge.